The Outer Islands Development Corporation (OIDC) is responsible for the management and development of the Outer Islands namely Agalega and St. Brandon. During the past years the focus of development has been on Agalega. Over the years, the Corporation has emerged as a socio-economic organisation. It caters for not only the employees but all the residents of Agalega, including personnel of Ministries/Departments on tour of service, by providing them with decent accommodation, water, electricity, besides basic exigencies such as health, education and the provision of a timely and adequate food supply in addition to other requisites.
As mission statement, OIDC aims to enhance swift communication and to foster bio-production by preserving the pristine eco-system. Actions are being taken to align with future development with the implementation of the Airstrip and Jetty projects. The Corporation contributes to the National Interest and Integrity through our individual presence when needed and the projection of our work to even the most remote of our islands.
Our vision now gear towards encouraging IT skills for the daily use of internet services, which is increasingly becoming an important tool of communication. OIDC is working on the vision of blue economy – the fishing sector. In view of its physical location in the mid of Indian Ocean, Agalega is a green island on blue velvet and acts as a lure to tourists. Eco-tourism is envisaged in the near future.
The objective of the Corporation is to promote social, environmental and human development. It is also churning simultaneously to exploit economic potential and development of the islands.
Saint Brandon is a rich zone that abounds in fish that are easily accessible to fishermen. Its exploitation, paying particular attention to eco-system, has a promising future and can ultimately contribute to our blue economy.
During the financial year 2018/19, internet connectivity was established, an initiative that has marked the history of Agalega. Agricultural equipment such as Rotary Tiller, Disc plough and furrower were procured to facilitate onion (Bio) production.
Two Mortuary Chambers were installed in hospitals. A second Doctor was posted in the South Island. Under the Community Development project, Agaleans benefitted IC3 Computer Courses, course in Music at Conservatoire de Musique François Mitterrand, courses on Cooperative Entrepreneurship Development Program, Cookery courses by National Cooperative College, Auto – Mechanic courses at MITD (Mauritius), Handicraft courses by Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare, course on Health sanitisation and ill effects of drug by Mauritius Family Planning Association.
Projects in the pipeline are:
(i) Fish landing Station
(ii) Office Block
(iii) Library
(iv) Gymnasium
(v) Refugee Centre
To conclude, Agalega is a landmark zone for subsequent development. Its location is conducive to facilitate movement of ships for commercial and other purposes. The completion of the major project, sea and air connectivity will render the setting up of more businesses possible which ultimately can boost up the level of economic activities on that island.
General Manager