Construction of the National Coast Guard Quarters
The building started in June 2010 and is nearing completion by December 2010. It is of an area of 2200 sq. ft. With the completion of the building, OIDC will have two additional quarters which are actually occupied by the National Coast Guard officers. This will ease the Corporation from housing problem.
Food Security Fund
The Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security has set up a unit at Agalega on Food Security. Actually 2 acres of land has already been cleared for the growing of vegetables on the island. Strict monitoring is being carried out by OIDC and Agricultural Research and Extension Unit (AREU) i.c.w. vegetables growth.
Recently South Island was without electricity. The Corporation approached the Mauritius Telecom for the purchase of second hand generators. Mauritius Telecom had 4 units 42 KVA generators to be put on sale. The Corporation purchased them for the sum of Rs 168,000 which has been reconditioned by dynamotors. Two of them have already been repaired and one has already been sent to Agalega. The Corporation is awaiting quotation for the repair of the other two. Tender to purchase three (3) additional generators.
Wooden Houses for Agalega
The Corporation decided to construct some wooden houses for Agalega Islands as concrete ones becoming more and more expensive, especially for the building materials and labour force.
As requested by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, L.T. & S. Expression of Interest was sought by local newspapers. Six (6) firms showed their interest for the construction. Tenders will be launched soon.
Refugee Centre at South Island
In early 2011, the construction of a Refugee Centre at South Island will start. Actually, the Corporation is waiting for some information from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit and L.T.& S regarding the design. The building will be smaller in size than that of North Island.
Cold Room at Agalega
Following the past experience we have faced with some perishable items, such as vegetables and flour, the Corporation has decided to set up a Cold Room at Agalega by 2011. The Agricultural Marketing Board (AMB) has been contacted on the issue and specifications have already been submitted to the Corporation. Tenders will soon be launched
Fire Fighting Vehicle
Construction of 2 Barges
In February 2009, one barge sank at La Fourche Village and was damaged completely. The Corporation decided to construct two additional barges. Tenders have already been received and analysed. Letter of Award will be issued soon.
Purchase of Van at the Corporation
The Corporation does not have a proper means of transport and are hiring taxi for transportation of workers from airport and back. Similarly, same applies for the movement of staff of the Corporation. Tenders will soon be launched for the acquisition of a van.
Rehabilitation of Coconut Plantation
This is an ongoing exercise and so far about 5,000 units new palms have already been planted. It is expected to increase the coconut up to 50,000 units in the next three years. Clearing of field have already been started.
Setting up of a Lower Secondary School
A Lower Secondary School was set up in 2009 for primary school leavers to receive secondary education up to Form 3 at Agalega. Formerly, students had to travel to Mauritius for Secondary education.